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Demolition Planned for The Kmart Headquarters Property

Residents should expect demolition on the private property site. Troy to work with the contractor on minimizing the impact on nearby neighborhoods.

Troy, MI – August 31, 2023 – The City of Troy has received a demolition permit application for the old Kmart headquarters property and is currently working with the contractor, Adamo Demolition, on what is needed to receive approval for the demolition permit to begin work on the site.

“Demolition of this tired asset is the first step towards redevelopment of this prominent location,” said Brent Savidant, Community Development Director.

Forbes/Frankel Troy Ventures, LLC., owners of the Kmart property, has not yet submitted any proposed development or schedule for this site at this time.

Demolition Timeline
Upon City approval, the contractor plans to begin demolition in September, starting on the parking structure then moving on to the main building. Fencing off of the property has already begun and should be completed by the end of the week.

Once demolition activity is in full force, deconstruction of the entire property is projected to last approximately 9 to 12 months.

“It is important to stress there will be numerous opportunities for public input once a development application is submitted for this property,” Savidant added. The process starts with demolition.”

Troy’s Demolition Application Process
Troy’s demolition approval process looks at many aspects, beginning with how the site will be prepped before demolition to how the site will be restored and maintained until actual development occurs.

The application will also undergo an evaluation and inspection by the City’s Building, Engineering, and Planning Departments to verify proper standards and specifications are met, as well as, discuss with the contractor safeguards to implement for the abutting neighborhoods and commercial properties.

Given the proximity and size of this site, demolition plans include procedures to monitor dust and emission control, measures for soil erosion and sedimentation, noise control, and proper removal of electrical and hazardous materials such as light poles, bulbs, and asbestos. Building debris and concrete will also be hauled away to be crushed and recycled at an offsite facility.

About Troy’s Community Development Department
Troy’s Community Development Department oversees and facilitates all new and existing developments within the City. They work with residents and businesses on any building-related proposals, expansions, and improvements to ensure all local, state, and federal policies and laws are followed while appropriate measures are made to maintain the character and charm of City neighborhoods.

Looking to learn more about our process in Troy? Please visit www.troymi.gov/planning.

Media Contacts:
For inquiries related to the project development: The Forbes Company; 248.827.4600

For inquiries related to Code Enforcement or City procedures: Meg Schubert, Assistant City Manager at megan.schubert@troymi.gov or 248.524.3327

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