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Plan Troy 2040

What is a Master Plan?
A master plan is a document that lays out the future vision for the City. It is what we use to help guide city progress, influence policy decisions, ensure a successful future, and is critical for sustainable community growth. It is the document that is utilized and updated to reflect the reality and desires of the Troy community today, and its goals and priorities for the next 17 years.

Below you will find an image that illustrates the history of Troy's Master Plan updates. 

Plan Troy 2040 Video Series 2  Master Plan History & Elements

What is in a Master Plan? 
The Master Plan is what we use to help guide city progress, influence policy decisions, ensure a successful future, and is critical for sustainable community growth. The document addresses many municipal planning needs, yet the primary functions of the Master Plan document address the following items: Land Use, Economic Development, Transportation, Special Area Use, and Infrastructure. 

Master Plan Elements_Website - Copy

What is Plan 2040's focus in the Master Plan?
The biggest focus for the most recent draft Master Plan is the Neighborhood Nodes. What are Neighborhood Nodes? Nodes are connected areas in specific locations around the City that have a mix of residential, commercial or institutional buildings, such as shopping areas, community centers, libraries, and medium to high-density housing. 

City staff, the Planning Commission, and community members looked at:
  • The intent of each specific neighborhood node
  • Reviewed each individual neighborhood node
  • Provided design concepts to best portray a vision for each neighborhood node
Why do we need a Master Plan? 
This document serves many purposes. It was created by necessity and inspired by our growing population, economy and region, as well as support the City of Troy's vision of being the "city of tomorrow, today." The plan influences and guides the Planning Commission, City Council, and other civic entities with their decisions on the development and redevelopment of Troy, its infrastructure investments, and zoning. 

What is the process for updating a Master Plan? 
City staff and planning consultant, Carlisle Wortman Associates, facilitated a 2-year process that involved:
  1. Geographic and Residential Data Updates - COMPLETE
  2. Community Outreach and Engagement - Special focus on the Neighborhood Nodes - COMPLETE
  3. Draft Review and Public Comment Period - COMPLETE
  4. Final Adoption of Master Plan - January 29, 2024 City Council Meeting
About Carlisle Wortman Associates:
We take pride in building relationships with our client communities based on trust and integrity that lasts decades. Over the past 30 years, Carlisle Wortman Associates (CWA) has prepared and updated over 100 master plans for communities ranging in size from 350 to over 80,000 residents. CWA works with communities to create master plans as unique and diverse as each community. Learn more at www.cwaplan.com.

What has the City done to engage the community? 
Throughout 2021 to 2023, city staff conducted city-wide surveys, community workshops, forums, walking tours, developed a steering committee, and many other community engagement activities to hear from our residents on how and what the plan should address over the next 10+ years. 

Master Plan Elements_Website (1) - Copy

What are the next steps? 
Share Your Thoughts With Us! The 63-day public comment period was approved for distribution by the City Council on August 21, 2023. This timeframe allows you and the community to provide final comments to the Planning Commission. 

Where can you view the draft Master Plan document? 
  • Display boards with physical copies of the draft Master Plan are located at City Hall, the Library, and the Community Center
  • You can also select here to view a copy of the draft Master Plan 
Where can you send your comments? 
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