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Bidding Opportunities

Bid Contract Deliver Purchasing Department Logo
Getting on the Vendor List

The City of Troy along with other entities from the Metropolitan area use MITN Purchasing Group (BidnetDirect.com) to register bidders and post bids. Please review your options at MITN. Your company may also register for the City of Troy auction site. View the Surplus Auctions.

View the current open bids here
Register as a vendor here.

Completing Bids or Proposals
Read the Invitation to Bid or the Request for Proposal in its entirety. Be certain you understand its requirements. Identify all requirements for Signatures, Certificates and Enclosures. Verify any blanks that must be filled in. Failure to sign bids, provide certificates or fill in required blanks may disqualify your bid offer.
Be certain you are aware of the time and date your response is due to the City of Troy. Allow enough time to prepare your response. IT IS THE VENDOR'S RESPONSIBLITIY TO BE CERTAIN THAT BIDS OR PROPOSALS ARE RECEIVED BY THE CITY PRIOR TO THE DATE AND TIME SPECIFIED. Late Bids and Proposals are not accepted.

Insurance and Bond Requirements
All companies performing a service on city-owned property or on behalf of the City of Troy are required to provide a certificate of insurance prior to the issuance of a purchase order or commencement of any work. Workers compensation, commercial general liability and motor vehicle liability are required with the coverage limits set by the City of Troy Risk Management Department. Other liability coverage is required as dictated by the service supplied. Payment, performance and maintenance bonds may be required as provided in the bid or request for proposal documents.

Vendor Calls
The Purchasing Department encourages Vendors to contact our Department with information about new products and services or to inquire about upcoming solicitations. Calls may be made with or without appointments from 9 am - 12 pm and from 1 pm - 4 pm, Monday through Friday.

Additional Rights & Information
Right to Protest
Any actual or prospective bidder, offeror, or contractor who is aggrieved in connection with the solicitation or award of a contract may protest to the Chief Procurement Officer or the head of the Purchasing Agency. The protest shall be submitted in writing within 14 days after such aggrieved person knows or should have known of the facts giving rise thereto.

Debarment or Suspension
Bidders/Proposers whose performance on City contracts is unsatisfactory or who are in default or arrears on a financial obligation with the City are subject to suspension from doing business with the City in any capacity for a period up to three (3) years.

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