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Employment Information

Jobs at the Troy Police Department


Upon successful completion of the appropriate examinations after the conditional offer of employment, the Department will coordinate with Human Resources and the Training Section to determine a start date.

The start date should allow the candidate to provide a current employer with two weeks notice whenever possible. The start date shall consider the Training Section's ability to coordinate an Orientation Week.

For Police Officer candidates, when a start date is determined, the Field Training Coordinator shall be notified. For non sworn personnel, the Administrative Services Section Commander will be advised of the start date to enable proper training assignments.

On the appointed start date, new employees will report to the Human Resources and Finance Departments to complete the following:

  • U.S. Immigration Form
  • Tax forms
  • Health and Life Insurance forms
  • Acknowledgment of receipt of employee manuals and policies
  • Any other municipal forms related to hiring
Certified Police Officer candidates will be administered the Oath of Office by the City Clerk on the date of hire.

The Department recognizes that Police Officer candidates with prior experience should start at a higher wage. The annual salaries for Police Officers follow a schedule of steps. Therefore the following standard shall be applied to determine the starting salary of Police Officers:

  • Step 1 -- Candidates with no experience who must attend a law enforcement academy.
  • Step 2 -- Candidates who were part-time Police Officers and candidates who are certified Police Officers but have less than one year of full time sworn Police Officer experience.
  • Step 3 -- Candidates who have more than one year but less than two years of full time sworn Police Officer experience.
  • Step 4 -- Candidates who have two years or more of full time sworn Police Officer experience.
Probationary Period
Permanent appointment to the position of Police Officer shall be dependent on successful completion of the 12 month probationary period.

  • The probationary period for Police Officers shall commence upon completion of the Police Academy for personnel with no prior experience.
  • The probationary period for Police Officers with prior experience or who have successfully completed a recognized Police Academy before hire, shall begin on the start date.
  • Successful completion of the probationary period shall include both successful performance in the Field Training Program, as well as consistent and acceptable performance throughout the remainder of probation.
  • Once an officer completes the Field Training Program, monthly performance shall be evaluated and documented throughout the remainder of the probationary period by the employee's immediate supervisor and submitted to the Operations Division Commander for review.

Regular appointment to the position of Communications Supervisor shall be dependent on successful completion of the 6-month review period. Direct supervision, training, and evaluation by a tenured Communications Supervisor shall be incorporated in the review period.


Permanent appointment to the position of Police Service Aide shall be dependent on successful completion of the 12-month probationary period.

A 12-week Lock Up Training Program, or a 12-week Communications Training Program, must be successfully completed during the probationary period.


Permanent or regular appointments to Police Department clerical and administrative support positions shall be dependent on successful completion of the 6-month probationary or review period. Training shall be provided and performance evaluated by the appropriate section supervisor.


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