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Soil Erosion & Sedimentation Control

Soil Erosion & Sedimentation Control
The problem of erosion and sediment control has plagued society since colonial times. Early land clearing, logging, and farming damaged many streams and rivers. In the early 1930s, a nationwide soil conservation movement started which greatly reduced the agricultural erosion problem. Today, a typical farm conservation plan often reduces soil loss from 15 to 25 or more tons per acre per year, to less than 5 tons per acre per year.

In recent years, construction activities have caused serious erosion and sedimentation problems. With modern equipment and technology, we create vast networks of highways, sprawling subdivisions, large industrial parks, and massive shopping centers. In many cases, these activities result in severe erosion and sedimentation damage to our land and water resources.

It is estimated that from all sources, over 4.5 billion tons of sediment pollute the rivers of this country each year. This is the equivalent to a volume the size of 25,000 football fields, 100 feet high. It costs $8 to $12 per cubic yard to remove sediment from waterways. It is estimated that $6 billion to $13 billion per year are spent in the United States to correct the effects of erosion and sediment.

Where to obtain a soil erosion permit?
The Engineering Department is utilizing submittal of Soil Erosion Permits online through BS&A Online website, this allows for online application submittal, status inquiry, plan attachments, and payment of fees. An account must be created through:

Submit all necessary paperwork, surety, insurances and plans by attaching them with the original permit application online. $10 Review Fee required with all applications. Additional Fees will be calculated once we receive the application. If you have any questions please contact Engineering 248.524.3383 or come to the first floor of City Hall, 500 W. Big Beaver.

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Damage from erosion and sediment affects nearly every citizen. Erosion and sedimentation result in:
  • Loss of fertile topsoil
  • Clogged ditches, culverts, and storm sewers that increase flooding
  • Muddy or turbid lakes and streams
  • Damage to plant and animal life
  • Filled-in ponds, lakes and reservoirs
  • Damage to aquatic habitats and reduced recreational value and use
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