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Early In-Person Voting

What is early voting?
In November 2022, Michigan voters approved a Constitutional Amendment that gives voters the right to early in-person voting. 

Early voting allows a voter to cast a ballot before Election Day in an experience similar to voting in a precinct on Election Day. During an early voting period, voters are issued a ballot and can then vote and insert their ballot directly into a tabulator at their Early Voting Center (EVC). Voters are also allowed to tabulate their Absentee Ballots at the Early Voting Center during the early voting period (ballots must have the numbered stub attached, and be in the absentee secrecy sleeve that was included with the ballot.) 

Where and when can Troy voters early vote?
Troy's Early Voting Center is at the Troy Community Center (3179 Livernois Rd), in Rooms 304 and 305 (Banquet Rooms.)
Early voting lasts for 9 days prior to Election Day, for 8 hours per day.

For the February 27, 2024 Presidential Primary Election, the early voting dates and times are February 17-25, 2024 from 8:30am-4:30pm, except on Thursday, February 22 when the hours are 12:00-8:00pm. Troy will offer voter registration at the Satellite Clerk's Office during the weekend hours of early voting: February 17, 18, 24 and 25 from 8:30am-4:30pm at the Troy Community Center in Room 302 (across the hall from the Early Voting Center)

Troy has partnered in an agreement with Oakland County to provide early voting services. Because of this partnership, Troy voters also have the option to early vote at the countywide Early Voting Center at Waterford Oaks Activity Center, 2800 Watkins Lake Road, Waterford, MI 48328. Days and hours are the same as above.

Notice of the location and time of the precinct canvass of early votes:
Troy's precinct canvass of early votes for the Presidential Primary Election will take place at 8:00 PM on Tuesday, February 27, 2024 inside the Troy Community Center (3179 Livernois Rd., Troy), in the corridor near the Senior Cafe.

How is early voting different from absentee voting?
Both early in-person voting and absentee voting allow voters to vote their ballot prior to Election Day. However, there are important differences between the two choices in voting.

Absentee Voting Early In-person Voting
How you cast your ballot - Absentee Voting allows you many options to vote your absentee ballot. You may vote your absentee ballot at home, or at the City Clerk’s Office, then submit your ballot in the signed envelope by mail, in person, or by City drop box. After your absentee ballot in the signed envelope is received by the City Clerk's Office, your absentee ballot is processed and tabulated by the Absent Voter Counting Board. OR, you may vote your ballot at home, at the Early Voting Center during the early voting period, or at your voting precinct on Election Day. You may then take your voted absentee ballot (with numbered stub attached, in an absentee secrecy sleeve) to the Early Voting Center during the early voting period, or to your voting precinct on Election Day, and feed your ballot into the tabulator. (Note that you will be required to complete an Application to Vote, and show picture ID or sign the Affidavit of No Picture ID, at the Early Voting Center or at the voting precinct on Election Day, just like non-absentee voters.) How you cast your ballot - Early in-person voting is similar to how you would at your precinct on Election Day. Voters are issued a ballot, or they bring in their absentee ballot with numbered stub attached and in the absentee secrecy sleeve, vote it at the Early Voting Center, and then insert it into the tabulator, just like at a precinct.
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